[Note: Many Star Trek fan terms are taken from science
fiction fan terminology. These are indicated by the notation
actifan (sf) - an active fan, outdated term in modern fandom
con (sf) - convention
dealer - a person who sells merchandise, usually at a convention
fan - a person who is enthusiastic about a particular subject, such as Star Trek, science fiction, fantasy, anime/manga, video games, music, or sports
fandom (sf) - (a hybrid of the words “fan” and “kingdom”) is a group of fans who feel a sense of camaraderie with other fans and share a common interest. Earliest use of the word “fandom” dates back to 1903.
fanfic (sf) - fan fiction; is nonprofit, unofficial stories written by fans using established characters and settings from official popular media.
fanzine (sf) - a fan magazine; that is, an amateur publication put out by fans for fans. Not for profit
fen (sf) - plural of "fan”, outdated term in modern fandom
filksong (sf) - a science fiction/fantasy/horror/fandom-related musical genre which takes inspiration from folksong.
fringefan (sf) - a fan who is only slightly involved with fan activities. Outdated term in modern fandom
genzine (sf) - “general fanzine” in science fiction, a fanzine which will accept anything; among Star Trek fans, a fanzine which is not x-rated, or caters to a specific character/race.
gofer - a convention volunteer; one who is asked to "go for" this and "go for" that
Great Bird of the Galaxy - fandom nickname for Gene Roddenberry
Hugo Award - an annual award given for excellence in science fiction and fantasy, presented at the World Science Fiction Convention, and voted on by the
members of that convention
hurt/comfort - a fan fiction story genre in which one character is injured, then
rescued and nursed back to health by another character
K/S - Kirk/Spock; a story in which Kirk and Spock are portrayed as lovers [see "slash"]
K&S - a nonsexual story concentrating on the friendship between Kirk and Spock
lettercol - a letters column
letterzine - a nonfiction fanzine comprised mostly or totally of letters from fans
Mary Sue - a "Mary Sue" story is a story in which a prominent female character has unbelievable abilities, is admired by all, or rescues the Enterprise (or the universe) on a regular basis
mundane (sf) - someone who is not a fan
Nebula Award - an award presented annually for excellence in science fiction and fantasy by the Science Fiction and
Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), and voted on by the members of that organization
one shot (sf) - a fanzine or intended to be published for only one issue, as opposed to a fanzine running for several issues. This term can also apply to fanfiction which is only a single chapter. Many fan fiction in fanzines are one-shots.
slash - a "slash" story is a story in which there are same-sex relationships
ST - Star Trek
Strekzine - a Star Trek-focused fanzine
trekker - a Star Trek fan who believes they follow the philosophy of Star Trek without being an obsessive fan (trekkers feel obsessive fans are trekkies).
trekkie - a Star Trek fan. both mainstream media and trekker fans use this term to apply to “avid, obsessive fans.” Trekkers in particular use this term as an insult, though Star Trek creators, including Gene Roddenberry, feel trekkie is the proper, official term for a Star Trek fan.
Trekzine - a Star Trek-focused fanzine
zine (sf) - a fanzine [see "fanzine"]